RKE Installation Or: Becoming A Rancher

RKE Installation Or: Becoming A Rancher

The mousepad of my notebook breaking created the perfect opportunity to finally put into practice a long-held plan: to install my very own, bare-metal Kubernetes cluster. The Rancher Kubernetes Engine turned out to be a great fit for that because, since it’s all Docker-based, its installation and operation is comparatively simple. In this blog post, you’ll get introduced to the installation process as well as the preparation work preceding it.

Recently, I’ve done a little experiment: How useful is a fake Chinese MacBook Air called an AirBook? Not very, as it turns out, because very shortly after having started using it, its mouse pad stopped working. So what could you do with a laptop having a dysfunctional mouse pad? Obvious: You could install an operating system on it that does not require a mouse pad, such as a Linux server operating system. And then you could go one step further and take two other machines on top to create a three-node, RKE-based Kubernetes cluster, in order to then write a blog post on the installation of RKE plus the necessary preparation steps…

Workload Reachability 3: Ingress

Workload Reachability 3: Ingress

One entry point to reach them all, one consolidated set of rules to find them, one Service exposed to bring them all, and in the cluster distribute them; in the Land of Kubernetes where the workloads lie.

In the upcoming sections, you’ll get introduced to the concept of Ingress – as you might have guessed from the slightly re-interpreted version of the infamous One ring to rule them all Lord of the Rings quote in this blog post’s description, Ingress is a means to expose many workloads using only a single exposed Service. This will be an interesting journey, so get a fresh mug of coffee and buckle up!

Workload Reachability 2: Service Types

Workload Reachability 2: Service Types

The Service object is the foundation for DNS and load-balancing in Kubernetes, and there are different Service types available to fit various use cases, including allowing for external traffic to reach cluster-internal workloads or making an external workload available from within the cluster.

The previous blog post introduced you to the basics of the Service object and what problem it solves in Kubernetes, so let’s now spice things up a little and introduce the various different Service types to the party!

Workload Reachability 1: The Service Object

Workload Reachability 1: The Service Object

Kubernetes’ dynamic nature makes it somewhat hard to communicate with Pods running a workload – those Pods can come and go quickly and frequently, so simply using their IPs won’t work very well. This begs for a kind of abstraction layer between the workload Pods and those wishing to consume them – ideally one that provides a DNS name and some load-balancing capabilities, too…

This blog post will introduce you to the Service object, Kubernetes’ way of implementing service discovery and load balancing that is both reliable and easy to use for clients.

On Modelling Clay And Glue

On Modelling Clay And Glue

Labels are a fundamental concept in Kubernetes – they provide users with the flexibility to group their applications as they see fit, and they are the reason why Kubernetes can be a decoupled system of many components working together. This blog post will introduce you to the necessity for flexibility, the basics of labels, and how to use them.

Worry not, dear reader, despite the heading of this blog post indicating otherwise for added catchiness, we are still in the Kubernetes world! The following blog post will introduce you to something called labels (and a bit of annotations, too), and in so doing uncover the mystery of just what Kubernetes might have to do with modelling clay and glue.

Giving GraphQL A Closer Look

Giving GraphQL A Closer Look

In this blog post, we’ll build a small demo application to explore and highlight the advantages of GraphQL using Spring Boot, Hibernate, and some very handy GraphQL dependencies.

We’ve established previously how GraphQL’s emphasis on types and fields constitutes a profound paradigm shift compared to REST that makes GraphQL APIs fantastically easy to consume for clients: Clients can (a) ask the API precisely for the data they need, and they can (b) traverse arbitrary nesting levels given that the server’s implementation of the business domain’s data model permits it.

Meet GraphQL!

Meet GraphQL!

The server-centric approach of REST sometimes makes REST APIs difficult to query elegantly. GraphQL and its Schema Definition Language encourage thinking differently about data exchange by placing the emphasis a lot more on the client’s perspective, thus solving REST’s disadvantages.

We have examined elsewhere that REST’s server-focused approach can make APIs built adhering to it unnecessarily clunky and unelegant to handle for clients. In particular, we’ve established it’s sometimes hard for clients to elegantly access nested resources and to maintain – specifically when attempting the former – good “response efficiency”, i.e. a good ratio between amount of information sent back by the server versus amount actually used.



REST has become the de-facto standard for building modern APIs, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Therefore, in today’s time with alternatives being available, it seems reasonable to question that standard.

In many teams I’ve worked with so far, the question of whether or not to use the Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture style to build the API of some new application or service wasn’t even raised – using REST was just obvious. To REST, then, seemed almost as natural as breathing, and seriously questioning that probably would have been considered something like heresy.

The Pod: Not Only A Group Of Whales

The Pod: Not Only A Group Of Whales

In the whale world, a Pod is a group of whales, and carrying on Docker’s whale theme, Kubernetes calls a group of containers a Pod. Pods are the smallest artifacts that can be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, and in this blog post, we’ll get to know their fundamentals.

In this blog post, we’ll deploy our first workload to a hosted Kubernetes cluster using an abstraction called a Pod.

Meet Your Helmsman!

Meet Your Helmsman!

Kubernetes, from an Ancient Greek word meaning helmsman or pilot, has become the de-facto standard for running containerized application workloads in the cloud. This blog post provides a short introduction and explains why it’s such a powerful platform for microservices.

The following section will provide an introduction to what Kubernetes is and how it facilitates microservice architecture advantages. But, first and foremost: Kubernetes is awesome! Therefore, I’m very delighted you joined me on this journey to learn how we can leverage its powers.
