(Video) Hazeltest In A Nutshell

Have you ever wondered just how load-testing your Hazelcast clusters could be simplified, and thus make sure that the “release candidates” that describe these clusters are fit for your prodution environment?
Here it is – the first video on Hazeltest! (Well, the second, if you count the livestream that took place quite a while ago, but the first as far as the video series I’d like to do is concerned.)
This video is a small introduction to Hazeltest, featuring an explanation of the application’s underlying idea as well as a short demo, in scope of which we’ll use a simple Helm chart as our release candidate, apply some load to the Hazelcast cluster thus described by using Hazeltest, fix an issue in the cluster’s map configuration, and use Hazeltest once again to verify the updated cluster can handle the created load.
Watch the full video here: